Non-Surgical Fat Reduction

Ever wanted to try non-surgical fat reduction, but were put off by the uncertainty of what to expect? Read on to discover how quickly and easily it can be to achieve your body shape goals with SimplyFabUless.
Fat Freezing is used to target specific areas for fat reduction such as arms, hips, chin, belly or thighs. The fat eliminating treatment delivers results by freezing and permanently killing the targeted fat cells.
Your first call to SimplyFabUles is to arrange for your local experienced therapist to discuss the treatment and examine the areas of fat you wish to target. This allows our therapist to determine and prescribe the most suitable treatment and lifestyle changes for you to be able to achieve your fat reduction goals as quickly and safely as possible.
SimplyFabUless uses tried and tested techniques and proven protocols. As pioneers in this field we have developed technologies and devices which keep us at the forefront of fat reduction technologies.
For extra peace of mind, devices are independently tried and tested and are FDA and CE medically accredited.